
WP1 Partners: An overview of key contributions and roles

The latest round of factsheets to present the main contributions and functions of PLANET partners is now available! Through this material you will get to know the partners of WP1 EU-Global T&L Networks. WP1 will provide a Simulation

WP2 Partners: An overview of key contributions and roles

The fourth round of factsheets to present the main contributions and functions of PLANET partners is available! In this case you will meet the partners of WP2 PLANET Cloud-based Open EGTN Infrastructure. The WP2 addresses an essential part of

WP3 Partners: An overview of key contributions and roles

The third round of factsheets to present the key contributions and roles of PLANET’s partners is out! In this third round, we describe in more depth the partners of WP3 PLANET Living Labs (LLs). The factsheets explain the relevance of each

WP4 Partners: An overview of key contributions and roles

The second round of factsheets to present the key contributions and roles of PLANET’s partners is ready! In this second round, we describe in more depth the partners of WP4 Steering innovation & building capacity towards EGTN. The
WP5 factsheets

WP5 Partners: An overview of key contributions and roles

PLANET project is pleased to present the first of six series of factsheets that will introduce the key contributions and roles of PLANET Partners. In this first round, we describe in more detail WP5 Parners (WP5 Dissemination Commercialisation