
Final PLANET Advisory Board Meeting

The Final PLANET Advisory Board Meeting took place on the 8th of March 2023 and centred on 2 key aspects of the PLANET project: commercialisation and experimentation. Download Press Release to find more information about Final PLANET Advisory

Final PLANET General Assembly meeting

PLANET’s fifth General Assembly (GA) took place in the month 34 of the project and was attended by over 58 participants. This meeting, hosted by The Centre for Research & Technology, Hellas (CERTH)/ Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT), was

3rd PLANET Advisory Board Meeting

The 3rd PLANET Advisory Board Meeting took place on the 29th of November 2022 and concentrated on looking at PLANET´s achievements to date. Download Press Release to find more information about 3rdPLANET Advisory Board
4th PLANET General Assembly

4th PLANET General Assembly meeting

PLANET 4th General Assembly meeting took place on the 04th and 05th of October 2022, following a hybrid format. This meeting, hosted by Lukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology, was divided in two days and was attended
3rd PLANET General Assembly

3rd PLANET General Assembly meeting

PLANET 3rd General Assembly meeting took place on the 17th and 18th of May 2022, following a hybrid format. Fundación Valenciaport, leader of WP5, hosted the event, making possible the first face-to-face meeting of the project. 3rd General

PLANET Mid-Term Review Meeting

PLANET Mid-Term Review Meeting took place on the 20th of January 2022, where PLANET Partners provided  a high-level progress update, allowing also to set the most relevant next steps, objectives and targets to be faced during next
Advisory Board

2nd PLANET Virtual Advisory Board Meeting

On 21st of October the second Advisory Board Virtual Meeting took place moderated by Inlecom. PLANET’S Advisory Board meeting agenda included both presentations from PLANET’S consortium members as well as interactive discussions sessions
2nd PLANET Virtual General Assembly

2nd PLANET Virtual General Assembly Meeting

2nd PLANET Virtual General Assembly Meeting took place on the 20th of October 2021, allowing not only to show the up-to-date progress made in each Work Package, but also to set the most relevant next steps, objectives and targets to be faced
WP1 & WP2 Innovation Management

PLANET’s WP1 and WP2 Innovation Management Meeting

PLANET’s WP1 and WP2 Innovation Management Workshop took place three months ago. The event was held just after the end of project’s Year 1, and it was attended by the entire consortium. During this Workshop, Work Packages (WPs) and Task

1st PLANET Virtual General Assembly Meeting

PLANET 1st virtual General Assembly took place on the 7th of October 2020, where consortium members presented their progress, along with an overview of early achievements. In the first part of PLANET’s 1st GA meeting, the