The Annual ePIcenter Conference took place on June 16th 2022, during which the project partners gave an update on what they’ve been working on and their view on future roll outs.
ePIcenter is an EU Horizon 2020 funded project focused on enabling transparent, efficient and greener supply chains. PLANET has started to collaborate with at the beginning of 2022 as some synergies between the two projects were found.
At this event, Noriko Otsuka (EGTC) introduced PLANET’s vision, the EGTN (EU-Global Trade & Logistics Networks) concept and the Living Labs (LLs). During her intervention on the session Smart ports innovations & related EU projects, PLANET was presented as a project that aims to improve efficiency along the door-to-door transport chains and coordinate complex supply by researching and testing innovative solutions, concepts and technologies.
Her focus later turned to PLANET Living Lab 2, LL2- Synchromodal dynamic management of TEN-T & intercontinental flows promoting rail transport, LL in which EGTC is actively involved as key stakeholder of TEN-T Corridor.
After a brief introduction of LL2, Noriko presented Rhine-Alpine (R-APL) Corridor EGTC Workshop results, event held in March 2022. The aim of this event was to analyse the corridor flows and assess the implications of key ports such as Rotterdam, Hamburg and Duisburg and (other) TEN-T infrastructure along the R-ALP Corridor, using simulation results from different time horizons. This workshop led to fruitful discussions among the EGTC members that joined the event and allowed a first approach to the ePIcenter project, which was presented during it.
Three key topics of the workshop |
• Key factors influencing the hinterlands partners (Eurasian rail & maritime) • The current status of Principal entry Points (PEPs) and future PEPs • The impacts of Ukraine conflict on Eurasian rail freight, perspectives for routes bypassing Russia |
Her speech concluded with an overview of the synergies between the two projects, showing and demonstrating why PLANET is collaborating with ePIcenter, and vice versa.
If you missed out, you can find the presentation below!